VacAway Stain Removal Guide

General Instructions

If a spot or stain can be identified, start with the recommended products for the spot or stain.

If a spot or stain can’t be identified, try Spot-N-Boost first. If there isn’t any transfer to your spotting towel try PIG-Out next.

When more than one spotting agent is suggested, they are listed in order of preference.

Before using any product, be sure to read its label for complete mixing and use instructions.

Blot liquids with a dry, white, absorbent towel.

Pretest any spotting agent in an inconspicuous area to make certain it won’t damage the fiber or the dye. After applying several drops to the testing area, hold a white towel on the area for 10 seconds. Examine the carpet and towel for color transfer, color change, or damage to the carpet. If a change occurs, another cleaning solution should be selected.

Work from the edges of spot or spill to the center to prevent it from spreading.

Do not scrub! Blot and absorb as much as possible. Repeat if necessary.

Continue using the first listed spotting agent as long as there is a transfer to your spotting towel. It is not necessary to use all of the listed cleaning agents if the first one removes the spot or stain.

Be patient! Complete removal of the spot or stain may require repeating the same steps several times.

As a last step to removing stains caused by sugary, sticky or soapy substances, apply HALT to greatly reduce the possibility of the stain reappearing later on.

Spots and Stains

< td>Cough Syrup
Spot/Stain Procedure
Acne Medication

Extract or blot excess.

Apply Hel-Gel ORANGE to fibers only; be careful not to get the Hel-Gel into the carpet backing or delamination could occur.

Give 1 or 2 minutes dwell time.

Apply Spot-N-Boost.

Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

If the medication has caused bleaching spot dyeing may be necessary.

Adhesive - Glue

Scrape off excess.

Apply Hel-Gel ORANGE or PIG Out.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

Repeat as necessary.

Alcohol Beverages

Extract or blot excess.

Apply Spot-N-Boost and extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

Asphalt - Creosote - Driveway Sealer - Tar - Toner

Encircle the Spot with a barrier of Spot-N-Boost or any VacAway cleaning solution to keep from spreading during the next steps.

Apply Hel-Gel ORANGE, PIG Out or Spot-N-Boost.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

Repeat if necessary.


Apply Spot-N-Boost.


Extract or blot.

If stain remains apply Rust Assassin.

Butter - Cooking Oils - Fats - Margarine

Apply Spot-N-Boost, PIG-OUT or Hel-Gel ORANGE.


Extract or blot with a clean white absorbent towel.

Candle Wax

Scrape off excess. Cover with a white terry cloth towel or absorbent paper grocery bag (use side without writing or logo.)

Place an iron, low to med setting, on top of the absorbent material to melt the wax into the material (never use this procedure on wool. Use low heat to prevent melting the fibers on olefin.)


Extract or blot with a clean white absorbent towel.

If a tinge of color remains apply Oxi-Moxie, Problem-B-Gone or Red Vanish according to directions.


Scrape excess candy off. Apply Hel-Gel ORANGE, Pig OUT or Spot-N-Boost.

Agitate. Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

If stain remains apply Oxi-Moxie, Problem-B-Gone or Red Vanish according to directions.

Carbon - Copier Toner - Fingerprint Dust - Graphite - Soot

Try NOT to get these materials wet until you VACUUM extremely well.

Apply Spot-N-Boost.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel. If stain remains apply Oxi-Moxie, Problem-B-Gone or Red Vanish according to directions.

Chewing Gum

To allow product penetration, cut crisscrosses into gum deposit or punch holes in it with an awl, nail, etc.

Apply Hel-Gel ORANGE to all sides of the gum making sure it gets into all areas where gum is in contact with the fibers.

Allow 1 - 5 minutes dwell time.

Scrape with a blunt object to remove gum.

Repeat as necessary until excess is removed.

Apply PIG Out or Spot-N-Boost to remove any residual gum.

Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

Colored Stains

Apply Problem-B-Gone, Red Vanish or Oxi-Moxie according to directions.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

Cosmetics - Crayon - Lipstick - Nail Polish

Apply PIG-Out, Spot-N-Boost or Hel-Gel ORANGE.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

If a tinge of color remains apply Oxi-Moxie, Problem-B-Gone or Red Vanish according to directions.

Scrape, extract or blot excess as necessary.

Apply Spot-N-Boost.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

If stain remains apply Oxi-Moxie, Problem-B-Gone or Red Vanish according to directions.


Extract or blot excess as necessary.

Apply Problem-B-Gone according to directions. Cover with plastic and allow several hours dwell time.

Repeat as necessary.

Drywall - Plaster

Scrape and vacuum excess.

Apply Spot-N-Boost.

Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

Filtration Lines - Pollution Stains

Dry vacuum very thoroughly.

Apply Spot-N-Boost.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

Repeat as necessary.

NOTE: These are the black or darkened areas along the baseboard, under closed doors, around furnace vents, along the sides of staircases, etc.

This is caused by air movement where extremely fine soil is deposited on the fibers as the air moves under walls, closed doors, etc. The polluted air can be from a number of sources including candles, cigarette/cigar smoke, kerosene heaters, etc.

Food Coloring - Food Dye Stains

Use Problem-B-Gone, Red Vanish or Oxi-Moxie according to directions on the product labels.

Furniture Polish

Apply PIG-Out followed by Spot-N-Boost.

If a tinge of color remains apply Problem-B-Gone, Red Vanish or Oxi-Moxie. Cover with plastic to allow slow drying.

Furniture Stains

Apply PIG-Out or Spot-N-Boost.

Agitate and blot dry with a clean white towel.

If stain remains, apply Problem-B-Gone, and cover with plastic to retard drying time.

Process could take up to 12 hours to remove the stain. For difficult stains, repeat as necessary with a fresh solution of Problem-B-Gone.


Absorb as much ink as possible with dry white paper towels.

Encircle the spot with a barrier of Problem-B-Gone, Red Vanish or Oxi-Moxie to keep it from spreading during the next steps.

Apply PIG-Out, Spot-N-Boost or Hel-Gel ORANGE.

Blot from the outside of the spot toward center.

Repeat as necessary.

Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

If a tinge of ink remains apply Oxi-Moxie, Problem-B-Gone or Red Vanish and cover with plastic to allow slow drying.


NOTE: Many insecticides permanently stain, bleach, or discolor carpet fibers with no chance of restoring the carpet to the original color without spot dyeing.

When attempting to correct without spot dyeing apply Spot-N-Boost.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

If stain remains apply Oxi-Moxie, Problem-B-Gone or Red Vanish according to directions.

Kool Aid - Red/Orange Children's drinks - Food Dyes - Red Dye # 40

Apply Red Vanish or Problem-B-Gone according to directions.

Lacquer - Varnish

If wet, extract or blot excess.

Apply PIG Out, or Hel-Gel ORANGE.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

If stain remains apply Problem-B-Gone or Red Vanish according to directions.

Magic Marker

Extract or blot excess as necessary.

Apply Spot-N-Boost, PIG Out or Hel-Gel ORANGE.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

If stain remains apply Oxi-Moxie, Problem-B-Gone or Red Vanish according to directions.


Extract or blot excess as necessary.

Apply Problem-B-Gone according to directions and never use heat as an accelerant. Cover with plastic and allow several hours dwell time.

Repeat as necessary. NOTE: Because it contains a disperse dye, mustard can be very difficult to remove.


If wet, extract or blot excess.

Apply PIG Out or Hel-Gel ORANGE.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

Repeat as necessary.


Scrape off excess.

Cover with a white terry cloth towel or absorbent paper grocery bag (use side without writing or logo).

Place an iron, low to med setting, on top of the absorbent material to melt the wax into the material (Never use this procedure on wool and use low heat to prevent melting the fibers on olefin).

Apply PIG Out or Hel-Gel ORANGE.


Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

If a tinge of color remains apply Problem-B-Gone, Red Vanish or Oxi-Moxie according to directions.

Peanut Butter

Scrape or extract excess.

Apply Spot-N-Boost.

Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.


Apply Rust Assassin (while carpet is still dry if possible).


Extract or neutralize with an alkaline cleaner and blot dry with a clean white towel.

NOTE: A great non-acidic spotter for rust is Spot-N-Boost.


If wet, extract or blot excess.

Apply PIG Out or Hel-Gel ORANGE.


If stain remains apply Problem-B-Gone, Red Vanish or Oxi-Moxie according to directions.

Shoe Polish

Extract or blot excess.

Apply Spot-N-Boost, PIG Out, or Hel-Gel ORANGE.

Extract or blot dry with a clean white absorbent towel.

If a tinge of color remains apply Problem-B-Gone, Red Vanish or Oxi-Moxie and cover with plastic to allow slow drying.

Urine - Pee

Procedure for stains only NOT odor, but will usually help on odor too.

Extract or blot excess.

Apply Urine Eraser or Oxi-Moxie and give plenty of dwell time.

Stains will usually disappear as carpet dries.

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